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After Resignation

I will run my own internet business full time after resigning from the company. I totally believe one slogan, “Don't put all your eggs in one basket”, so I will make some researches and exploit new Business Opportunities. You know, I plan to build an internet business empire. So this is my fist crucial step and I believe it will be the greatest step.

Internet includes all kinds of business opportunities, but only smart and clever guys can make good living with them. There is a report saying that 99% of people who run internet business fail in the end. I think the main reason they fail is that they don't adhere, they quit their businesses when they are close to success.

Sometimes I myself want to quit my business too, you know, it's very hard to run online business. The lucky thing is that I always believe I will succeed in the end, whatever how hard the road is, this is why I don't quit.

I hope my business will achieve great progress after my resigning from the company.

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