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Do You Remember The Last Time You Cried?

I always think I am a brave and strong man, because I seldom cry, I don't cry with my mouth at least. Sometimes I do cry in my heart, but who cares. It's not a cry at all. Life is not as easy as I wish. But I am trying my best to do everything that I have the ability to do. So I have no regret, so I don't need to cry.

Cry is not a man's style in my mind. I mean, when you are older that 8 years old, you shouldn't cry if you are a man, girls are not included of course, everyone knows that girls have crying gene in their blood, so they have the right to cry, we can't discuss it. What I am talking about here is a cry from a boy, a man's mouth. True enough, we man don't like to cry. When something or someone hurts us heavily, we don't choose to cry, instead, we choose to bury it in our hearts. Oh, god! In some sense, we also cry, we cry with our hearts.

Well, do you still remember the last time you cry? When is that?

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  • Firstly thank you for your friendly note. I really enjoyed reading your post. And I think everyone should cry, not just girls, firstly scientific explantion to clear out your system from bacteria, I hope I am right on this one.
    To answer your guestion, I cry all the time, from heart or out loud, and I really don’t think there is anything wrong with this. I admire when men admits to crying, and I really think there is nothing wrong about it. I had this martial arts teacher once, and he used to tell me he cried all the time, happy or sad moments and he wasn’t ashamed. Thanks for writing this wonderful yet different post, Anna :) btw nice blog

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