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For Love? Make A Date

I believe that not everyone needs love, I mean love between wife and husband. For most people, they get married not because of love, but because of life. What a pity! But in other hand, I can't say it is a bad thing, perhaps life is more important than love for those people.

In my opinion, there is no need to marry for the sake of life. If there is no love between you, you'd better divorce as soon as possible.

Oh, this is not the point that I want to talk about today. I want to talk about online dating. You must hear words like this quite often: faith-based matchmaking services for real relationships, you can see it everywhere. Yeah, it is very popular these years. Because many of us want to get wonderful experience online.

If you are still single, some of your friends may say to you “find your another part of your life online!” , they just persuade you make a dating online with someone that you never see. This may be very interesting for you if you are a guy who love to take adventure. But for me, I love a calm life, so it won't be good for me.

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