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I Am Going To Write Some Poems

I Can Write Poems!

I am planning to write some poems, but I am not sure if I have the ability to create some wonderful poems, anyway, I will give it a try.

Trying to do new things is my good side. I am not a poet, I am just another writer, with passion and creative power maybe.

So if one day I do write poems, I beg you do not laugh at me, OK?

I will write one now, will you please give me some passion so I can use it in my poem?

You are very kind if you do so. Here is my poem, please don't laugh OK? Thank you:

I crossed the road in a cloudy day,

A truck nearly hurt my neck,

When I realized I was just another writer,

The fear in me subsided.

Time went like the wind fly,

Will I be a child again?

The sun still rises from the east,

Just like I will still back to my heart,

Nothing will change in the end.

This will be a little poem I wrote just now, in fact, I am not sure if it can be called a poem, but I wrote it with my heart and my soul. I think my poems will be full of love and passion in the future. I do hope so. Will you?

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  • I’m not a big fan of poetry, but sure, have a blast writing them :D

    and don’t worry about what others might think…the poem is for you, expressing your emotions, so the only one you need to please is you…

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