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Successfully Quit The Job

After more than a month's time, now I have successfully quited my job, and I can work as a freelancer from now on. Working at home is one of my big dreams, now it comes true, what a wonderful day!

I believe my dream is most people's dream, but most people have no courage to say Goodbye to their jobs, so they continue to be slaves of their bosses. I realized this years ago, so I decide to take a rapid action, and now I'm free from work.

The best part of working at home is that I can arrange my own time and make as much money as I wish as long as I have enough ability.

My biggest dream is traveling all over the world, I think it will come true soon as long as I work hard and make enough money.

Oh, sunshine blow over me!

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  • There is a saying “your joy is my joy” and that’s not just nice words, but the truth.
    Personally I can only to dream about the life alike, therefore I doubly rejoice over your success. You make my dreams more realistic. Thank you.

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