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The Future Of Affiliate Marketing?

I always believe affiliate marketing is one of the best business modes in current world, although I haven't earned much money from this marketing.

I have read a lot of ebooks about affiliate marketing, and I also joined many affiliate program, I even join so called Highest paid affiliate program. Now I know it is not as easy as I expect. But I still believe it is the best business mode.

There are many affiliate networks online, most famous networks are: cj.com, clickbank.com, linkshare.com, shareasale.com, performics.com, tradedoubler.com, buy.at, affiliatewindow.com, shareit.com, zanox.com. I use these networks everyday, nearly all of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Among them, cj and clickbank are most famous, cj represents physical products, and clickbank represents digital products. Clickbank is the hottest one.

So, what is the future of affiliate marketing? I can't say it for sure, but I believe it will be better and better. I always believe this.

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