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We Are Talking About Resignation These Days


One cruel condition we have to face is that the salary is too low to live, this is why we are talking about resignation. Precisely to say, this is why many of my colleagues want to resign. For me, I don't care, why? Because my aim is not working for any companies, now I still working in this company just because of my contract. When the contract is end, I will resign and totally run my own business. Oh, this is not the key I am going to talk about in this article.

Many of my colleague want to resign because they can't live relying on their salaries anymore. They have to pay their loans every month using most of their salaries. The worse thing is the price is growing very very high this year, but the salary is the same. You see, we can't live with the same salary in such high price society. This is why we have to resign and find other jobs.

If I am the owner of a company, I will share everything with my employees, other than getting everything from them. I will treat my employees as my family, other than enemy. Alas! How many companies can do this? All they care about is how much money their employees can generate for them. I don't think this is a good model of business.

I swear I will my employees high quality lives, I will let them enjoy the happiness with my company, and of course share the profits together. I think this is what a good company should do.

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  • I reckon this is a rising phenomenon in the today’s world. We were all trained the same way, just so that we could easily attain the first tier in the hierarchy of needs – basic needs. In no time, we realize that we have reached the top tier of self-actualization, whereby we start to question our purpose of living.

    Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy answer to what we seek for, we still need to bounce back to zero into our deepest soul before we set out to where we will be happier.

    It’s been a good read in your blog, may I wish you all the best and success to the social network!

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