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She Told Me…

Yesterday my old friend Jacey told me that she accepted a rectocele surgery and she was in hospital. She asked me whether I can visit her. I hesitated for 2 minutes and I said “no problem, I will go to see you soon.”

Now what confusing me that how can she get a rectocele! I mean she always looks quite well. Alas, we can't predict anything, and we can't judge anything by its appearance. This is what I learned recently.

Of course Jacey was one of my best best old friends, but the problem is we haven't contacted each other for a long time, I mean we become unfamiliar to each other. Alas, friendship should be kept by regular contact, as I said in previous post.

You know, I felt strange when Jacey called me yesterday, because I haven't heared from her for a long time, I didn't know how her life was. Is she happy? I've no idea. I have to wait until tomorrow, I mean I will go to visit her tomorrow in hospital. Hope everything is fine.

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