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It’s Not Easy To Run Internet Business

Many people think that running online business is just a piece of cake. The fact is these people are totally wrong. It is very difficult to run online company, especially if you are not good at computer technology.

There are many many things to learn if you want to own an internet business. If you are not good at deal with computer technology issue, you have to get computer help quite often, because problems may happen on here and there. Sometimes you don't know what the problem is, you just know it doesn't work properly.

A few months ago, there was something wrong with my database, I checked it many days, but I didn't find where the problem is, so I had to create a new database. This wasted a lot of my time.

So you see, it is not easy to run online business. The good side of me is that I am always interested in learning new technologies, this is why I can deal with most problems that I meet by myself.

2 comments… add one
  • I fully agree with you on the “hardship” in running a internet business. Just posting relevant articles or posts is already a good achievement. It takes time and effort to maintain a good site. How about some technical problem also? We need the interest and confidence to see things through. The desire and passion to share information and voice our view is my driving force in this matter.
    Cheers from “Principle of Mathematics” Lim Ee Hai at http://www.limeehai.com

  • Yes, you need some computer technology skills or another option is you hire someone to take care of your technical stuff. I have seen people making a huge money from internet but they do not really into the internet technology. They utilize other people’s skill. :)

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