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Truth About Cleansing Diet

Cleansing Diet, what is it? Why is it so popular? You have these two questions. Don't worry, I will explain.

Since more and more people are talking about cleansing diet, now we have to treat it fairly and carefully.

As you know, we are living in a world, so it can be difficult to find the time to prepare healthy meals. but our bodies pay a heavy toll for eating unhealthy “convenient” foods. To compound the problem, our bodies are also bombarded with chemicals and pollutants on a daily basis in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the places we work and live. Under this heavy barrage of toxins, the human body will eventually reach a point where it is no longer capable of flushing toxic elements on its own, and they will begin to accumulate. This accumulation of toxins leads to a state of poisoning commonly referred to as toxicity. This is where Cleansing Diet from.

Simply to say, A cleansing diet works in two ways:

  • It helps detox the body by halting the intake of toxins.
  • It further helps detox by flushing out the toxins currently in the body.

In fact, the most important parts of cleansing diet are cleansing and fasting.

Cleansing and fasting give you a chance to get in tune with your body and really get back to basics. Basically it forces you to give up the vices that you take for granted, breaking all your bad eating habits and stating from the beginning. It gives you clarity on what your body really needs, not craves.

Most importantly though, whether you're trying to lose weight, improve your health or both, remember that a good cleansing diet is like a good holiday – you will feel refreshed, happy and ready for the world again!

There are all kinds of cleansing diet, the most popular one could be Liver Cleansing Diet.

Dietitian Karen Inge explains the Liver Cleansing Diet and gives a menu plan so you can try it at home.

How does it work?
The Liver Cleansing Diet, developed by Dr Sandra Cabot and published in 1996, is an eight-week, low-fat diet which claims to improve liver function.

“There's a lot of emphasis in The Liver Cleansing Diet on increasing plant food, like vegetables and fruit and juicing,” says Inge. “Dr Cabot advises that you have lots of water as well — eight to 12 glasses of filtered water a day. People on this diet will be trying to eat foods as close to the original source as possible.”

So what's the truth about cleansing diet? Well, the truth is you can eat most what you want to eat, not restrain your food. This is cleansing diet secret.

The most famous who is talking about Cleansing Diet is Oprah, she is a cleansing diet professional, she has a famous diet plan called Oprah's 21 Day Cleansing Diet. You can read more professional articles about cleansing diet on Oprah's Blog, she has all kind of useful information on her blog, and there are some wonderful recipes.

So now you've something about cleansing diet, why not give it a try by yourself? If you are really serious about weight loss, you should try these effective diet methods.

1 comment… add one
  • Great Article,
    I did my first cleanse at 46, and have been flushing toxins out of my system and I feel great. I really think people are begging to understand that this is the base to a healty body.

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